35. Carbon Capture in Polymer-based Electrolytes Y. Wang*, T. G. Feric*, J. Tang*, C. Fang, S. Hamilton, D. M. Halat, Y. Peng, B. Wu, H. Celik, G. Rim, T. DuBridge, J. Oshiro, R. Wang, Y. Cui, A. H. A. Park, J. A. Reimer, Science Advances,2024, Accepted.
64. Carbon Capture in Polymer-based Electrolytes Y. Wang,* T. G. Feric,*J. Tang,* C. Fang, S. Hamilton, D. M. Halat, Y. Peng, B. Wu, H. Celik, G. Rim, T. DuBridge, J. Oshiro, R. Wang, Y. Cui, A. H. A. Park, J. A. Reimer, Science Advances,2024.
62. A Scalable Solid-state Nanoporous Network with Atomic-level Interaction Design for Carbon Dioxide Capture H. Mao*, J. Tang*, G. S. Day, Y. Peng, H. Wang, X. Xiao, Y. Yang, Y. Jiang, S. Chen, D. M. Halat, A. Lund, X. Lv, W. Zhang, C. Yang, Z. Lin, H. Zhou, A. Pines, Y. Cui, J. A. Reimer Science Advances, 2022, 8, abo6849. Highlighted by Stanford Energy, DOE Office of Science, EurekAlert!, Berkeley News, UC Newsroom, VOA, College of Chemistry - UC Berkeley, Matter, Science Advances, and other more than 33 worldwide mainstream media outlets. See Preview Article by Prof. Banglin Chen at Matter, "Dynamic combinatorial chemistry in amine-appended porous melamine network for carbon capture", 2022, 5, 9, 2574. Highlighted as spotlight paper in Matter Highlighted as spotlight paper in Materials Today Highlighted as spotlight paper in Nano Today 61. Wireless closed-loop smart bandage for chronic wound management and accelerated tissue regeneration Y. Jiang, A. A. Trotsyuk, S.Niu, D. Henn, K. Chen, C.-C. Shih, M. R. Larson, A. M. Mermin-Bunnell, S. Mittal, J.-C. Lai, E. Beard, A. Saberi , S. Jing, D.Zhong, S. R. Steele, K. Sun, T. Jain, E. Zhao, W. G. Viana, J. Tang,D. Sivaraj, J. Padmanabhan, M. Rodrigues, D. P. Perrault, M. C. Leeolou, C. A. Bonham, S. H. Kwon, H. C. Kussie, G. Gurusankar, M. Januszyk, G. C.Gurtner, & Z. Bao, Nature Biotechnology, 10.1038/s41587-022-01528-3 (2022). 60. A tissue-like neurochemical sensor for interfacing with brain and gut J. Li, Y. Liu, B. Zhang, E. Spear, K. Wang, J. Tang, Y. Zheng, S. Niu, L. Beker, W. Xu, T. Li, G. Chen, J. B.-H. Tok, S.P. Pasca, Y. Cui, A. Habtezion, X. Chen, Z. Bao, Nature, 2022, 606, 94.
Oral Presentation and Special Invitation Conference Lectures
40. Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Greenhouse Gas Removal Workshop (Host: Profs. Yi Cui and Arun Majumdar), 2023 39. (Invited) ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Future Faculty and Early Investigator Awardees Symposium, 2023 38. School of Engineering, NextProf Nexus Class of 2022, UC Berkeley/University of Michigan/Georgia Institute of Technology 37. College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2022) 36. Materials Innovation for Carbon Capture by Advanced Magnetic Resonance Methods, 61st Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Colorado, 2022 35. Cellulose Derived Hierarchical Nanopore-Spaced Membranes by Murray’s Law for Gas Capture and Storage, MRS Spring Meeting, 2022 34. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Ventura, CA, 2022. 33. Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering Program at MIT (2021) 32. Rising Stars in Engineering in Health by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University (2021) 31. Revealing Molecular Mechanisms in Hierarchical Nanoporous Carbon by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 2021. 30. TEDxBallston (2021) 29. Institute for Translational Brain Research, Fudan University (2020) 28. EmTech, MIT Technology Review (2020) 27. Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center, Zhejiang University (2020) 26.Nanowire Arrays for Artificial Retina, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2019. 25. Shining Light on the Nervous System: From Biomaterials to Bioelectronics, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2019 . 24. Nanowire Arrays Restore Vision in Blind Mice, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2019. 23. Photoelectrochemical Sensor, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2019. 22. Shining Light on the Nervous System: From Biomaterials to Bioelectronics, Brain and Electrochemistry Symposium in Atlanta, GA, 2019. 21. Shining Light on the Nervous System: From Biomaterials to Bioelectronics, Materials and Devices for Brain-like Computing, Molecular Foundry User Meeting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, 2019. 20. Nanowire Arrays Restore Vision in Blind Mice, Northern California Chapter of the AAPM-Young Investigator Symposium,Department of Bioengineering, University of Berkeley, 2019. 19. Bio-Inspired Nanowire Arrays As Artificial Photoreceptors for Retinal Prosthesis, The Electrochemical Society, USA, 2019. 18. Photoelectrochemical Biosensing,The Electrochemical Society, USA, 2019. 17. Nanowire arrays restore vision in blind mice, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 2018. (Chair the Session: Sensors for Monitoring Tissue Models) 16. (Contributed Talk) Neuron-Nanowire Interfaces for Artificial Retina, Molecular Foundry User Meeting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2018. 15. 3D WS2 Nanosheet-Networks as H2O2 for Cell Signaling, MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 2016. 14. Functional Materials for Biointerfaces, Singapore Challenge, Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) @one-north, Singapore, 2016. 13. Nanowire-Based Sensing and Cellular Interfacing, ShanghaiTech Advances In Research (STAR) Symposium, 2015. 12. Nanowire-Cellular interfaces for PEC sensing, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 2015. 11. Neuron-nanowire interfaces for artificial retina, U21 Conference, 2015. 10. Functional Nanowires for Nano-bio Interfaces, The International Symposium on Energy Chemistry & Materials (ISECM ISECM-1), 2015. 9. Solar Energy-Driven Photoelectrochemical Biosensing and Cellular Interfacing Using TiO2 Nanowires, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2015. 8. Hybrid Nanowires for Energy Conversion and Storage, International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials, 2014. 7. Multifunctional Carbon Quantum Dot-Based in-vivo Imaging and Drug Delivery, IUMRS-ICAM, 2014. 6. Photoelectrochemical Detection of Glutathione by IrO2-Hemin-TiO2 Nanowire Arrays, International Functional Materials Symposium, Singapore, 2014. 5. Novel Nanowires for Ageing-related Biomedical Sensing and Therapeutics, U21 Conference, New Zealand, 2014. 4. Solar-Driven Nanowires for Biomedical Sensing and Therapeutics, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 2014. 3. Semiconductor Nanowires for Biosensing, The 9th Sino-US Nano Symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology, 2014. 2. Carbon Quantum Dot-Based in-vivo Imaging and Drug Delivery, The 3rd International Colloids and Interfaces Conference, 2013. 1. Functional Carbon Quantum Dots for PEC Biosensing, The 8th Sino-US Nano Symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology, 2013.
For the most up-to-date publication list at Google Scholar.